Fire Rated Ductwork

E&S Heating and Ventilation are a licensee of Flameshield fireduct fire rated ductwork and can provide both BS and EN fire rated solutions. Flameshield fireduct is fully compliant with BS EN 1366 Parts 1, 8 & 9 and BS476 part 24. It is a unique, non coated, fire rated system fabricated from galvanised sheet steel on dedicated, state-of-the-art equipment. E&S have in excess of 15 years dedicated experience in the manufacture and provision of fire rated ductwork solutions using the Flameshield fire rated ductwork product. We have installed Flameshield fire rated ductwork systems within major hospital facilities, a multitude of office developments, Crossrail stations, shopping centres and laboratories.

stainless steel ventilation industrial unit
stainless steel ventilation unit
stainless steel ventilation ductwork laboratory

The Flameshield fire rated ductwork system has been fully tested under fire conditions and has successfully achieved EN 1366 Parts 1 & 8 and EN 13501-3 A standards, alongside BS 476 Part 24 and ISO 6944 (1985). The Flameshield fire rated ductwork system is listed in the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) and is a certified fire safety product in the specifiers bible 'The Red Book Live'.

The unique fabrication process for Flameshield fire rated ductwork has many distinct benefits which include:

  • Quick to manufacture and install due to no need for the application of external coating
  • More environmental friendly, vs a coated solution - at least six production processes are eliminated
  • Handles internal and external heat - gas temperatures in excess of 1100 degrees C

Fully approved by local authority building control officers, consultants and building's insurers, Flameshield fire rated ductwork is manufactured in compliance with the FPC PN111 quality control plan and is installed by certified contractors under the LPS 1531 passive installer scheme. Our products are certified to BS.EN. 15871 and BS.EN. 12107, as per the CPR/ harmonisation program which became law and superseded British Standards on July 1st 2013.

The Flameshield fire rated ductwork system is suitable for all ventilation and extraction systems where fire resistance is required by the building codes and standards. Flameshield fire rated ductwork is fully authorised for use in the following areas:

  • Kitchen Extraction Systems
  • Smoke Extraction Systems
  • Car Park Extraction Systems
  • Stair Pressurisation Systems
  • Ventilation Systems
  • Passive Ventilation

Our team can support and advise on your fire rated requirements and assist with value engineering whilst maintaining compliance with Building Regulations.